Astro: Disable Admin UI Routes in Production


This is a community contribution from Florian Lefebvre — thank you Florian!

When using the local strategy, you may want to disable access to the /keystatic routes in production.

Here's how you can prevent access to (and indexing of) those routes if you're using the Astro framework.

Adding redirects

You can redirect visits to the /keystatic route in production with Astro.redirect:

- --
// src/pages/keystatic/[...params].astro
import { Keystatic } from '../../../'

export const prerender = false

+  if (import.meta.env.MODE === 'production') {
+    return Astro.redirect('/')
+  }
- --

<Keystatic client:only />

You will need to do the same for the api/keystatic routes:

// src/pages/api/keystatic/[...params].ts
import { makeHandler } from '@keystatic/astro/api'
import keystaticConfig from '../../../../keystatic.config'
+  import { APIContext } from 'astro'

-  export const all = makeHandler({
-   config: keystaticConfig,
-  })

+  export const all = ({ ...params }: APIContext) => {
+   if (import.meta.env.MODE === 'production') {
+     return params.redirect('/', 307)
+   }

+   return makeHandler({
+     config: keystaticConfig,
+   })(params)
+ }

export const prerender = false

Excluding routes from sitemap

If you're using @astrojs/sitemap, you can exclude those routes as well:

// astro.config.mjs
import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config'
import sitemap from '@astrojs/sitemap';

export default defineConfig({
  integrations: [
+      sitemap({
+        filter: (page) => !page.includes("keystatic"),
+      });