User interface

Configure parts of the Admin UI to improve the experience of your content editors. Making the interface familiar to your editors will help them get started quickly and feel at home.


Out-of-the-box Keystatic will default the brand name depending on the storage mode used. You can override this by providing a brand object in the ui key of your config.

// keystatic.config.ts
import { config } from '@keystatic/core'

export default config({
  ui: {
    brand: { name: 'Your brand' },


In the example above we've set the brand name, which will be used in the Admin UI as the title of the app. You can also set the brand mark using a React component to render your logo or anything you like.

We recommend a maximum height of 24px so the element fits well with the rest of the UI.


The component has a single prop colorScheme which is either light or dark depending on the user's preference. You can use this to render a different asset or apply a different style.

// keystatic.config.ts
import { config } from '@keystatic/core'

export default config({
  ui: {
    brand: {
      name: 'Your brand',
      mark: ({ colorScheme }) => {
        let path = colorScheme === 'dark'
          ? '//'
          : '//';
        return <img src={path} height={24} />

When using inline SVGs you can employ "currentColor" for fill and stroke values to inherit the foreground color. This is what we do for the Keystatic instance of this docs website.


Out-of-the-box Keystatic will separate navigation into two groups: Collections and Singletons. You can override this by providing a navigation object in the ui key of your config, organising your content into a simple list or any number of groups.

// keystatic.config.ts
import { config } from '@keystatic/core'

export default config({
  ui: {
    navigation: {
      'Content': ['pages', 'posts'],
      'Settings': ['site', 'seo'],

Use the special "---" key to insert a separator between items.

// keystatic.config.ts
import { config } from '@keystatic/core'

export default config({
  ui: {
    navigation: [

The "Dashboard" item will always be first in the navigation list.

Type signature

Find the latest version of the UserInterface type signature at: